20 amazing stone houses for Flintstones of the modern era

20 amazing stone houses for Flintstones of the modern era

An Amazing Flintstone House

Magnificent and majestic are some of the words that best describe a beautiful stone house. When we hear the word “stone,” it conveys the idea of endurance, solidity and capability to stand the tempest, the wear of winter’s ice and snow, and of summer’s scorching rays. It also gratifies the natural vanity of a man to erect a dwelling of such material, which will last for generations and serve as a landmark of the family.

Here we have some of the most amazing stone houses from around the world that will surely appeal to the Flintstones for the modern era. Are these nicer than the glass houses featured here? I prefer the glass houses, but here you decide

All images below via Home Designing

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BY M. Kogan

Hello, I am Marcio. I am an architect and designer, alma mater is Mackenzie. Retired in theory, but an architect never retires completely. Along with architectural projects, I am a filmmaker and have completed some short documentaries. Filmmaking and design are my passions. In HomeQN I write about home decoration and foundations. The goal is to teach homeowners to DYI as much as possible, and when this is not possible, enable them through knowledge, to evaluate service quotations and choose the best service technicians.

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